Monday, June 28, 2010

a trip up north

On Father's Day, we set out on our way to New York to spend a week with Scott's parents. We spent a lot of time just hanging out, going to the park, and taking walks.

First we washed the car to get ready for our long road trip!

We went and rode the carousel at the Mall.

Scott and I got to have a date night to celebrate our 5th anniversary!

The three of us went to the Children's Play museum for Bryton to much fun! There was a tiny Wegman's grocery store, post office, train ride, and special Sesame Street section. Bryton loved it!

Bryton and his little cousin, Camille, had a blast playing in the pond in the backyard. They fished with their sticks and watered all the plants.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Splashing in the pool!

Bryton LOVES books, so he really likes to go to the library. This week he even found a stool to help him reach the books on the top shelf :)

Bryton's favorite after nap activity!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Loving this weather!

Bryton fell in love with the bouncy house at a Family Day event for Scott's office on Saturday. He loved it and would have jumped for hours if we would have let him!
The weather this week has been beautiful! We've spent tons of time outside, which of course has included a few trips to the park with our friends.

We had one rainy afternoon, so we stayed inside and baked cookies! Bryton dumped all the ingredients into the bowls and was so proud of himself! He has become my right hand man on all the household chores...I wonder how long that will last?!?

Today we went to a pool playdate with our FM friends. We had a blast! Bryton loves the water, so he had a great time splashing around. The kid has no fear!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Playing catch up...

Playing pretend and sharing with all of our "friends" is a new favorite thing!

We have gone to the beach and played with our buddies!

We went to the National Zoo and saw lots of animals.

We spent Memorial Day at our neighborhood beach picking up seashells and in our little pool splashing around! We had family pictures made, cooked out burgers and just enjoyed the day!