Time for a party...Mickey Mouse style!
Playing in the tube at his party. They all had a blast!
9 weeks old
Mr. Cool
Those 2 month shots wiped him out...poor little guy!
3 year old check-up complete!
Craft time with shapes. We built a bull dozer, fire engine, and cement mixer!
The last week has been busy! Playdates, check-ups for both of the boys, and Bryton's 3rd birthday party. We have been really busy with our friends going to the park, playing at each other's houses and going to the library for storytime. Bryton's birthday party was super fun for him and his friends. The gym was the perfect place to have it....super easy!
Cohen is growing like a weed! He weighed in at 13lbs 2oz and 24 inches long. That is a 4lb. and 4 inch gain from birth! He is smiling more and more and has just started to roll over too.
Bryton is getting so tall, but still not gaining much weight. He was 33lb 8oz and 38 1/2 inches tall. He is still getting rid of all of that baby fat :)