Saturday, July 12, 2014

Muir Woods and Beach

 We went to the Muir Woods and Muir Beach for a fun day trip. It was a cool day at the beach, but that didn't stop the boys from swimming in the ocean! I was wrapped up in my fleece, but they were having a blast in the water.

 It blows my mind the size of the trees as you walk through the Muir Woods. The trees are absolutely beautiful!

Spring Break

 Scott and I attended the Officer's Spouses' Club Annual Auction that was a Night out in Nashville themed event. It was a lot of fun! We got outbid on most of the items we bid on, except for a basket of cookies :) I thought for awhile that we were going to be coming home with a puppy, but thankfully that didn't work out!
 We went to a fun little amusement park that was perfect for the boys. They could ride the rides all by themselves. Bryton always does such a good job being the big brother and taking care of Cohen!

 We spent time at the park and got treats from the ice cream man!
 Scott and Bryton worked on a project for me to go on our front porch.

 This was our counter the first few days of spring break...piles of underwear, water bottles, jelly beans, and golden tickets the Bryton made for Cohen. The boys and I hunkered down at home for the first few days and got C potty trained. It was amazingly easy! I think the key was waiting until he was ready. I can count on one hand the amount of accidents he has had since day 2. So proud of him!
 Bryton and I spent HOURS putting together his Lego cars rebuilt while we potty trained C. It worked out great! Now if we could keep a certain 3 year old from taking them all back apart.
 We made treasure boxes for all the little trinkets that we seem to we accumulate so many rocks, I have no idea!

The boys played Battleship after Daddy got home from work. 

Easter festivities

Last year, we spent Easter Sunday in the hospital with Bryton in surgery having pins put in his arm. This year was so much better! It was a day spent with a great church service and lunch with friends. There were a few activities that led up to the fun day.
 Squadron Easter Egg Hunt

 Class Easter celebrations

School Easter festivities

 We dyed Easter Eggs the night day before Easter Sunday.
 Bryton showing off his new shades from his Easter basket :)
 Easter morning snuggles with Daddy
One of the fun things we did this year was make an Easter Resurrection Garden. We watched the grass grow and then Easter morning the front of the tomb was open and empty. The boys really enjoyed it and I am sure it will be a new tradition to do it every year.
Headed to Easter Sunday service!
After our church service we had some friends over for Easter lunch. It was a great way to spend such a special day!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Bryton turns 6

Birthdays just keep sneaking up on us! I can't believe that Bryton is six....seriously?! I feel like six is so much older than five. I am not sure why, maybe because he needs two hands to show his age now.
We had a few days of celebrating Bryton's birthday this year. We took cupcakes for his class the day before his birthday, since it fell on a weekend this year. They sang to him and he got to stand in front of the class on a chair. He had been waiting all year to do that!
Bryton wanted to invite his whole class to his party, he couldn't narrow down an invitation list. He wanted us to host a party at home, but I just wasn't up for having 25 five and six year olds running around. We decided to have a party at the local gymnastics center. It was perfect! They had so much fun and were exhausted when it was over. Best plan ever!
On Bryton's actual birthday, we took part in service Sunday with our church by feeding the homeless. It was a great day serving others together.
It was a fun few days celebrating our sweet boy!
I am so excited to see what the next year holds for him. 

Mustache March

Scott was gone the first few days of March and when he came home he had something growing on his lip. Apparently there was a challenge given by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force for the airmen to grow mustaches for the month of March, an Air Force tradition. Of course Scott wasn't going to miss out on challenge! I was SO glad when April 1st arrived!