Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tubes and such

Cohen and Daddy hanging out after surgery. Cohen bounced right back and was acting like himself in no time. He took a long nap and was good to go! We have already seen signs that the tubes are doing their job, yay!

Bryton came out of surgery looking for that popsicle the nurse had promised him. He was back to normal and ready to go to preschool within the hour. He finally agreed to a lazy day at home. No complaints of ear aches since surgery, that's progress!

Scott went on a guy's trip over the weekend and so the boys and I had our own fun. We went and got a building kit for Bryton. He made his very own school bus and was super proud about it. He loved having his own hammer and safetly glasses!

You know your brother loves you when he shares his red popsicle with you.
Watching them together is the best thing ever...most of the time :)

Bryton is still doing gymnastics every week. He loves flipping over the bars and swinging from the rings.


Kurtis and Melissa said...

So glad everyone's ears are doing well! Now, Mommy deserves a pedicure or something along those lines...