Sunday, April 15, 2012

Point Reyes

After church today we decided to take a little day trip to Point Reyes. Everyone has been talking about it and telling us that we just HAD to go check it out. I am so glad we did! It was a fun little adventure for all of us. Our first stop was the visitor's center to get a map and check out some sights. Then we were off to see the lighthouse and to check out all the scenery along the way. It was absolutely beautiful!

The boys playing at the visitors center

It was a little hike to the lighthouse, so Bryton took advantage of a ride on his daddy.

This is the lighthouse that we went to see. It was amazing to see it with the waves crashing all around. There was also a pod of whales that came up as we were about to leave. So glad we walked all the way down to take a look around instead of just looking from above. Bryton was fascinated with it all, especially the horn that blasted every few minutes!
Me and my boys

308 steps down and 308 steps back up.....Bryton walked them all!

Cohen rode on Scott's shoulders on the trek back up the steps, as I lugged the stroller and gave Bryton pep talks :)

On our way back home we rounded a corner to find a HUGE herd of cattle crossing the road. We sat there for a good 10-15 minutes waiting on all of them to pass. The boys loved it! Cohen was squealing and waving his arms. Bryton and I have constant conversations about all the cows (we drive by them numerous times a day) and one question he always asks is how do they move from field to we know!  I have to say it was pretty hilarious....look at the one in the middle staring us down :)

Look who's walking!

Every day Cohen is taking a few more steps! He is so proud of himself :)

Walking and drooling (look at that shirt!)...that's what is keeping him busy :)

Crazy hair but look at that smile!

He even did a little walking at the lighthouse today

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter at our house

Last night we went and picked up Hunter to come spend Easter with us. Bryton was super excited to have a playmate for the day! We dyed our Easter eggs last night after we picked him up. Cohen missed out on the fun because it was late, but the rest of us had a great time. We got up this morning to see what the bunny brought before heading off to church! This afternoon, the boys all played while I cooked our Easter lunch. We made an attempt at pictures, but oh my golly it was torture (as you will see below!).It was a super fun day and we were so happy to have Hunter here to share it with us.  
Happy Easter!

Checking out our basekts! Cohen had no interest in hunting for eggs this morning.

Bryton got a "trash grabber" from the bunny. He picked it up and said, "I have been meaning to get one of these!" He is something else! :)

It just wasn't happening today...

Oh brotherly love....
Maybe we'll get a picture with both of them smiling when they are teenagers :)

Hunter made it all better!

Bryton and Hunter made deviled eggs together. Bryton got a case of the sillies while they were cooking :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Squadron Easter Party

Today was our squadron Easter Party. It turned out to be a lot of fun. We had a brunch potluck, crafts (of course!) and a big Easter egg hunt. Neither one of the boys wanted anything to do with the bunny! Cohen ended up falling asleep before the egg hunt, so he missed out on that fun. 
Bryton had a great time playing with all of his little friends! 

This was as close to the bunny  as we could get and Cohen wasn't too thrilled! 

Bryton was okay with the bunny when he offered him candy....imagine that :)

My three boys! 

How cute are these two?!

Egg hunt! We are overloaded with candy in this house!

Everyday things...

Cohen getting filthy dirty playing in the sand :)

Fun Easter egg games

Trying out the new t-ball bat!

Marble painting using shaving cream and cool!

Cohen climbing and being so proud!
Did I mention he is starting to take a few steps on his own!! Super exciting!!

He's FOUR!

Our baby Bryton boy is FOUR! Can you believe it?! It seems like yesterday that we were sitting in our  house in Alaska, surrounded by boxes ready to move, and waiting on him to arrive. Who knew that on his fourth birthday he would be living in his fourth state....crazy AF life! 

Bryton you are one in a million! You bring a smile to everyone's face and you always make us laugh. You are still hung up on cleaning, but you aren't AS obsessed with vacuuming as you were this time last year. You love your racecars, trucks and trains. You have an amazing imagination and play some of the funniest things. You like to sleep in your tent on your bedroom floor instead of your bed, but at least you are sleeping! I have rubbed off on you and you love to do crafts. You can write your name and know all of your letters and numbers. You and Cohen are really starting to play together and you are a great big brother. Your little sense of humor totally cracks us up. We are so proud of you and always look forward to what you will do next. Happy Birthday Bryton! We love you! 

Happy 4th Birthday Bryton!

A new bike from Mommy, Daddy and Cohen

Breakfast choice of the birthday boy....a cinnamon muffin

An after lunch cream with M&Ms :)

Gifts from all over the country! He is one lucky little boy to have so many people that love him!

A mini cake for his special day! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Party time...Construction style

Yesterday we had Bryton's birthday party since his birthday is Easter weekend this year. We had a few families over to celebrate with burgers and cake. Bryton chose to have a construction theme this year and so we had a few fun little activities to do. We decorated construction hats, had a tool scavenger hunt, and played pin the construction cone on the construction site. Mostly, the kids just played out in the backyard with the sandbox and had a great time. I just realized how few pictures I have of all the activities, but we sure had fun! We are so fortunate to be able to celebrate with such great friends!

Sandbox fun!

Even Cohen got in on the sandbox fun!

I had all the kids sack lunches for a picnic.

the cake :)

Blowing out the candles!

Cake and ice cream time!

You know Cohen couldn't miss out on the birthday cake :)

the last week

The last week has been crazy busy, but full of fun things. Of course, I forgot to take any pictures of most things but here are a few:

I rounded the corner from folding laundry to find this little guy having a ball on the train table. Now he doesn't even attempt to stand beside it, he goes directly to the middle to play.

Bryton has been wanting to pretending to be the Daddy around here. He thought it was a good idea to try to feed his "baby Cohen" some applesauce. Cohen wasn't too keen on the idea and so that fun didn't last too long.

Bryton had his last day at preschool until summer camps because of our upcoming travels. Miss Barbara is his absolute favorite and he talks about her all the time. They also had an Easter Egg hunt and a little pre-birthday celebration for him before he left. Of course, it all fell on the same day as everything else I had attend so I couldn't get any pictures.

More afternoons out in the backyard means more adventures for Cohen!