Sunday, April 15, 2012

Point Reyes

After church today we decided to take a little day trip to Point Reyes. Everyone has been talking about it and telling us that we just HAD to go check it out. I am so glad we did! It was a fun little adventure for all of us. Our first stop was the visitor's center to get a map and check out some sights. Then we were off to see the lighthouse and to check out all the scenery along the way. It was absolutely beautiful!

The boys playing at the visitors center

It was a little hike to the lighthouse, so Bryton took advantage of a ride on his daddy.

This is the lighthouse that we went to see. It was amazing to see it with the waves crashing all around. There was also a pod of whales that came up as we were about to leave. So glad we walked all the way down to take a look around instead of just looking from above. Bryton was fascinated with it all, especially the horn that blasted every few minutes!
Me and my boys

308 steps down and 308 steps back up.....Bryton walked them all!

Cohen rode on Scott's shoulders on the trek back up the steps, as I lugged the stroller and gave Bryton pep talks :)

On our way back home we rounded a corner to find a HUGE herd of cattle crossing the road. We sat there for a good 10-15 minutes waiting on all of them to pass. The boys loved it! Cohen was squealing and waving his arms. Bryton and I have constant conversations about all the cows (we drive by them numerous times a day) and one question he always asks is how do they move from field to we know!  I have to say it was pretty hilarious....look at the one in the middle staring us down :)