Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mid-May this and that

 Cohen's playgroup walked to the park for a picnic. They blew bubbles and fed the ducks. Everyone had a great time. Doesn't he look big in that picture...sigh...

Bryton has been talking about having a tea party forever. He plays with our neighbor in her Barbie room all the time  and asking when we get to have a real tea party. So, Scott was out of town and we had a full on tea party one Saturday morning. It was fun and he hasn't mentioned it since....mark that off the list :) 
The cast is off so we are back to crafting! 
Where did he learn to do this?!

It is almost guaranteed that you will find at least one stuffed animal with us anytime you see Cohen lately. He LOVES his stuffed animals and they go everywhere with us! 
Nothing like some colored water to entertain the boys for an afternoon :) 
We went on a surprise trip to the carousel  which is always a treat!