Thursday, February 11, 2016

A day of Cohen

My days are numbered of spending all my time with Cohen as he will be heading off to school full time in the fall. It seriously breaks my heart (in a good momma way of course). The two of us have so much fun together and I laugh multiple times a day because of his silliness.
I walk in the kitchen to find this...we are the only 2 at home...

 Smiles and Star Wars about sums him up!
 An afternoon as a superhero as we walk to pick up big brother
 This is what I wake up to every morning. He still climbs in be with us between 12-2 every night. He nuzzles his way between Scott and I and then proceeds to get real comfy. I won't miss the sore back from being kicked but look at that face!
 He didn't want to hold a pencil in July but now he is writing on a daily basis and pushing himself to get better. It is amazing how far he has come and it is all on his own. I knew it would eventually come (or I hoped!) but he has learned so much over the last 7 months!

All boxes become something and must be painted and decorated. No boxes go to recycling until he has done his magic on them and had a chance to use them in playing.