Sunday, August 19, 2012

While Daddy's away...

we stay busy and PLAY!

We have picnics at the splash pad and park. 

We make cupcakes to take to celebrate the last day of Beach Adventure camp.

We made suncatchers out of pony beads.....who knew that melting plastic could smell so bad?!?

We got all red faced after playing hard at the park. 

We made cookies to take to our friend's house to have after dinner. 

We had pizza for dinner with our friends. 

We looked super cute in footie pajamas :)

We finished another session of swimming lessons and passed to the next level!

We played rice and noodles together. 

We transitioned Cohen from the high chair to a booster at the big table.

We went to the Napa Science play place and had a blast. 

Whew...makes me tired just thinking about all that we have done thus far. Another week to go and then we are off for a little vacation!