Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Last week in pictures

Last week was a pretty normal laid back week around our house. Bryton started a new session of summer camp. This time they are doing a Beach Adventure theme where they are learning all about sea life. He is really enjoying it.  We got all of Cohen's appointments taken care of while he was at camp, so that worked out great. 

We spent the morning at the park. Luckily we got a lot of playtime in before it got too hot.

We made a dinosaur craft and Bryton named him Seahorse :)

We tried out a new recipe of Flubber. It didn't work out as well, but Bryton didn't care.

Cohen loves playing with play dough.

Cohen has really started wanting to draw and color like Bryton. This is the perfect toy for him so I don't have to worry about crayon on the walls!

Just hanging out in his helmet and attempting to blow bubbles. He finally got the hang of it after a few licks of the bubble solution.