Monday, January 5, 2015

August fun

 Scott had taught B how to play Lego Star Wars a handful of times before he left. I had held off on letting them play for 2 months, but finally gave in and set it up all up for them one afternoon. I had no idea how to help them with the game but boy did they have fun!
 fun at the pool
 Scott and B were signed up for their 2nd Triathlon in August, but since Scott wasn't home we had to make other arrangements. I was going to do it with him, but then our neighbor next door offered to be his teammate. They did great! Before we left the event, Bryton was already asking when he could do another one.

 Even though it was 110 degrees outside, B wanted to make a blanket. So we went and picked out fleece and he did a knot blanket. He made it almost all by himself.
 A fun afternoon of water balloons!

 A lunch date :)
 A Lego loving boy...even falls asleep with them in his hands.
 First day of FIRST Grade. How did this happen so fast?
Bryton has Miss Arnold this year. They have a small class of 16 students and it has been a great year so far. He is reading like a champ and loving math.
 Selfies had to do since Daddy wasn't around
 This was B's last day of a 6 week stretch of swim lessons. He was jumping off the diving board and swimming like a fish by the end of it. It was amazing the improvements he made from the beginning of the sessions!
 I went to an 80's party to celebrate a birthday of a church friend. It was so much fun!
 Bike rides around the neighborhood
 the little Mechanic....he will come ask if we can "jack" up Lightning :)
 His explanation was that he couldn't decide which ones to wear....sigh...this boy!!
Afternoon reading with C. He wanted to take pictures.  
 There is a local flower nursery that has donkeys to feed. We take a bag of carrots and it provides free entertainment for a morning!

 We went to Pre-School orientation for Cohen. He got to try out all the fun stuff at his new school.

 Water slide fun at a birthday party
 an afternoon at the splash pad on base after we found the base pool was closed

 First day of 3 year old Pre-school
This was a big day for C, even if it is just 2 1/2 hours two days a week! He is STILL adjusting to going, but he really does have fun while he is there. He has a favorite friend that he talks about constantly and all the neat activities they do while he is there.

C can buckle himself in his carseat!
Apparently he wanted to get himself something from the cabinet....way to be resourceful C!