Monday, January 5, 2015

Back in CA.....July Happenings

 Happy 4th of July!
 We made bug houses at Home Depot Saturday clinics....we went to almost every clinic over the summer!
 The park by our house opened 4th of July weekend, so we walked there nearly every. single. day. It was so nice having it so close! Now they are installing a splash pad so this summer will be perfect on hot days!
 Big brother giving bowling tips to C
 This is "pillar"....they named her as soon as the park opened and had quite a time with her throughout the summer.
 Free Slushies on 7/11 at the 7-11 gas stations!
 Water balloon target practice at the fence....this was a hit!

 Using all tools to dig for dinosaurs in ice. They loved this and it took them forever to find the pieces!

 We made tie dye t-shirts one afternoon.
 C did swim lessons at the same time as B....he hated every minute of it, so we only did one session.
 We visited the science museum in Berkeley. It was so much fun!  
 Lots of afternoons were spent at the base pool!
 Is it bad they learned how to make me a cup of coffee?! B thought he was so big being able to help me out :) The Keurig makes that so easy!
 While Daddy was away, there was lots of snuggling taking place. I found this after I put the boys to bed many nights!
 Be afraid, be very afraid :)
 Day trips to the zoo
 The USO brought Sesame Street live to the base. The boys loved it!
  Anything to be by his big brother! He snuck in B's room late one night and fell asleep like this.
 We built block and Playmobil towns
 We visited the small town of Benicia one afternoon and walked along the water. We also went to a Lego Play center called "BrickSpace" that the boys loved.
Cohen had his 1/2 birthday in July. He is very adamant that he is now 3 1/2 not just 3!