Thursday, June 7, 2012

Since we've been back...

We have jumped right back into a routine since we got home last week. Scott, unfortunately, had to leave town 2 days after we got home, so the boys and I have been staying busy. Scott had a surprise waiting for the boys when they got home from our trip. He had spent his few days alone building them a fort and sandbox for the backyard. The boys LOVE it! We go out almost every morning in our pajamas to get our day started :)  Bryton started summer camp at his preschool this week. It is just a few days a week for the month of June. Therapies have started back up for Cohen and the therapists are super excited about all of his progress. PT is getting cut back to every other week, YAY! I feel like in the last few weeks Cohen has turned toddler vs. a baby. These boys are growing up too fast!

Playing in the sand before breakfast

I love how Cohen always looks at his big brother

Cohen wants in on craft time too!

Oh the excitement of the magic sponges! He loves these things!

We are so lucky to have such great neighbors with kids the same age. We are together all the time.

Cohen is constantly taking my dish towels...looks like he might be a cleaner just like his brother :)

Making a bumble bee craft

I hope Bryton always thinks emptying the dishwasher is a fun chore!