Sunday, July 29, 2012

A few days away

Scott had to be away for a couple of days last week and the boys and I spent a lot of time at the park in the late afternoons. Bryton finished up another session of swim lessons. He will have one more session before the summer is over. We made a few Olympic themed crafts too. 

Bryton's fish, Algea, died on Friday. Bryton was crushed when he found him. Him and I had a little funeral service for him before we flushed him. As we flushed the toilet, I said, "Algea had a good life didn't he Bryte..." Bryton's response was, "I don't know how good of life he had if he is going down the toilet, Mom." Gotta love that boy :)  We went that afternoon and got a new fish named Strawberry. 

Cohen hung out on the bench having a snack while Bryton fed the geese.  I love how Cohen always has his mouth wide open when I ask him to smile :)

The typical Bryton expression

The geese were super hungry and would chase you down !

Monkey see...Monkey do

The last day of swim lessons they open the water park for the last 5 minutes of class. 

We made our own set of Olympic Rings. 

Our Olympic torch creation 

Meet Strawberry!