Sunday, July 29, 2012

18 months old

  Cohen is 18 months old! How did that happen?!? It seems we just celebrated his 1st birthday. We had a special little "half" cake for him to celebrate his half birthday. I think we have started a new tradition in our house. Any excuse for cake, right?
As you can imagine, he loved it! 
What an 18 months it has been! Cohen has given us a new light on life. From the very beginning we have had some struggles, but our little man has continued to prove that he can do it. He is doing incredibly well! We are down to physical therapy just once a month! We have started speech therapy and a speech playgroup this month that already seem to be helping. He still doesn't have any spontaneous words, but he has started mooing at the cows and will imitate "mama". We are using sign language to help ease his frustration and it really is helping. 
Cohen has a smile that is so contagious. He still loves to snuggle and it melts my heart every time. Cohen is totally a Daddy's boy. Scott is totally wrapped around his little finger :) Cohen and Bryton and best buddies, most of the time!  Cohen absolutely loves all things with wheels...trains, cars, and trucks. Bath time is probably his favorite time of day....or anytime he can get to the sandbox or water hose. 

This picture sums Cohen up. He is constantly sneaking away to get paci and his lovies out of his crib. He started out with 2 Leo the lion lovies, but has since adopted 2 Elephante lovies that were Bryton's. So, at any given moment he will escape to his room and pull all 4 of them from his crib and run so you can't catch him. He loves riding his moose....especially when you are trying to get him dressed.