Friday, July 6, 2012

Discovery Museum

Yesterday we took the boys to the Bay Area Discovery Museum. We had a blast! There were all kinds of fun activities for them to do, but Cohen liked the jumbo tinkertoys the best. Bryton loved the wave workshop where you built boats to see how they would float on the water. There were so many fun things to do there, we'll definitely go back again. 

He worked and worked to get that tube in the hole. 

Then he saw brother knocking down the tower with his tube, so he wanted to give that a try too. 

They had an area set up just for little ones. Cohen loved climbing through the tubes.

Testing out the boat in the wave workshop.

There was a building full of trains! Cohen LOVES trains.

Just a quick family picture before we headed home. Such a fun day! 


Kurtis and Melissa said...

I love that you're all in long sleeves! What a fun place!