Friday, June 29, 2012

What's been going on?

We have had a fun week! Scott made it back home last night and should be here to stay for a while, yay! Bryton did VBS on base this week and had a great time. Cohen and I got lots of errands done and just played at home while was there. This week kind of became science week when Cohen was napping each afternoon. Each day we did a different "experiment". Who knew that baking soda and vinegar could provide so much entertainment! I don't have many pictures of Cohen this week...but he is around in full force :) We are looking forward to the the holiday week next week!

We made slime! It was gooey and gross, but he loved it! 

We made little volcanoes with baking soda and vinegar.

Cohen always manages to escape with my water bottle.

He was concerned about his shadow :)
Check out his tennis shoes! His chunky legs are so cute and make me giggle....his ankles are non-existent. 

Another week of swimming lessons!

We blew up a balloon using baking soda and vinegar.

Mixing colors and lots of fizz!

Bryton and I played water balloon games this afternoon. 

Soap clouds...who knew Ivory soap was so cool!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Number games and swimming

Bryton has been going to summer camp for the last three weeks. He finished up this session on Thursday. They had planned to have water day, but it was only 50 degrees when I dropped him off at school. He was bummed and so he stayed in his swimsuit the rest of the day :) We have been trying to stay busy with lots of little activities during Cohen's nap time. This week we did lots of number games. I found window markers on clearance and he loves using them on our sliding glass door. 

Bryton also started swim lessons this week. He LOVES them! I was nervous he would be real apprehensive about going with the teacher in the water, but he has done great. We are doing a few sessions spread out over the summer, so hopefully he will be a little fish come August.

Cohen is as busy as ever! He wants to be doing anything that brother is doing. Trains, cars, and airplanes are his favorites. He is absolutely hilarious and keeps us on our toes. The sprinklers coming on in the evening are the highlight of his day. He will try to escape to the neighbor's yard to play in theirs after ours go off :) 

I had the numbers written out on the window. He drew a card  with dots on it, counted the dots, and then found the number on the door. When he found the correct number he wiped it off. We have played a few times and he loves it. Next week we are going to do the same thing with upper and lower case letters.  

Numbers and beads go hand in hand. Bryton loved doing this during Cohen's therapy appointment on Friday.

Cohen is getting the hang of his little push trike.

Who knew swimming in 60 degree weather could make you smile so big??

Shaving cream marble art is so neat...and getting to play in it afterwards is pretty fun too!

Bryton rides thru the sprinklers spraying the driveway for a  nightly "car wash".

You will find him here every single night at 6:45 :)

Play dough is so much fun :)

Cars are his favorite!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Happy (belated) Father's Day! We had a great day at our house. The morning was spent doing our normal church routine and then we ran a few errands before lunch. We spent the afternoon outside in the backyard trying to stay cool. The weekend was 110 degrees hot. It was a perfect day for the slip n slide, water balloons and freeze pops! We also watched the NASCAR race, which turned out to be super exciting. Scott's favorite driver, Dale Jr., won his first race in 4 years. Pretty exciting, right?!?
Just hanging out at home and having fun is sometimes the best kind of day :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lightning McQueen

We inherited this snazzy car this weekend from some friends who were cleaning out their garage.  The boys have LOVED it! It is just a single seater, but Cohen sqquueeezzesss in there to get to ride with his brother. Now if we can get Bryton to watch where he is going and not plow into cars, we'll be doing alright :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lots of playtime

We are having a great summer so far, and staying really busy. I don't think we have had one lazy day. Hopefully one is coming our way soon! One part about the military life that I am not a huge fan of is having to say "see you later" to good friends. We had to do that this week and I always dread it...even though there is a big chance we'll run into them again down the road sometime. 

Both of the boys absolutely love to be outside. No matter how hot it is out there, we are probably hanging out in the garage or out back in the sand box. Did I mention I will never have clean floors again....sand is in every nook and cranny of my house these days :) I wouldn't change it for anything though! 

Scott got a day off today,so we really enjoyed having him home to play. We did a little shopping while Bryton was at summer camp, went to lunch and then came home to wash the cars and play legos. 

This is Stacy and I at a painting party last weekend. It was so much fun !  

Playing dinosaurs is the favorite activity of the week at our house

Bryton is super comfortable on the trike and would rather  ride it than his bike.

Ice pops are the best!

Bryton loves the build and grow sets from Lowe's. I took him there on Sunday and we just brought home the project to do together during Cohen's naptime. 

Cohen is working hard on blocks and puzzles. 

This is what your sunglasses will look like if Cohen gets a hold of them...

Lego city time! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Since we've been back...

We have jumped right back into a routine since we got home last week. Scott, unfortunately, had to leave town 2 days after we got home, so the boys and I have been staying busy. Scott had a surprise waiting for the boys when they got home from our trip. He had spent his few days alone building them a fort and sandbox for the backyard. The boys LOVE it! We go out almost every morning in our pajamas to get our day started :)  Bryton started summer camp at his preschool this week. It is just a few days a week for the month of June. Therapies have started back up for Cohen and the therapists are super excited about all of his progress. PT is getting cut back to every other week, YAY! I feel like in the last few weeks Cohen has turned toddler vs. a baby. These boys are growing up too fast!

Playing in the sand before breakfast

I love how Cohen always looks at his big brother

Cohen wants in on craft time too!

Oh the excitement of the magic sponges! He loves these things!

We are so lucky to have such great neighbors with kids the same age. We are together all the time.

Cohen is constantly taking my dish towels...looks like he might be a cleaner just like his brother :)

Making a bumble bee craft

I hope Bryton always thinks emptying the dishwasher is a fun chore!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Where do I begin??

We have been on a traveling hiatus for the last 6 weeks and so I have a ton of pictures to share! Scott had some training in Arkansas and so it worked out to be a perfect time for the boys and I to visit with friends and family. We spent time in NLR with the Riley's, time at the Edwardian Inn with my parents, and then the boys and I headed to FL for a few days to see the Sacco's. I also got to sneak in a quick visit to Texas to meet one of my best friend's from high school new baby boy. Scott's parents also came down for a quick weekend visit at the bed and breakfast. We all had so much fun! The boys got SO much attention and now we are back to the routine and they are stuck with boring ole mom :)

I uploaded the pictures wrong and so they are all out of order....Enjoy!

Measuring cups were Cohen's favorite toy at the Inn.

We helped Honey at her booth for the Edwardian on National Tourism Day.

We always make a creation at Honey's house. This time it was a semi-truck with all the bells and whistles :)

Mother's Day with my boys

Meeting baby Jack! I was SO excited to get to make the trip to see them. He is adorable!

Scott's parents came in town and we went to the Gospel Festival on the levee!

Before his parents started their trek back to New York.

Kelsey and Bryton always had lots of fun together :)

Cohen is into everything that his brother is doing.

I love capturing these sweet moments between the two of them.

Fun times in the sprinkler at the Inn

How big is Cohen?!

Helping Poppy water the flowers

Love this!

Honey and Poppy with the boys

Working on catching with Uncle Bryan

Fun times with Carson...seems like yesterday he was Bryton's age.

Caroline and Bryton had lots of time to play dolls :)

Bryton wanted a picture with Auntie Amanda when she dropped us off at the airport to head home.

Canoe rides on the lake at the Riley's house
Cohen loves playing with balls....and he throws EVERYTHING!

Scott and Bryton went to the I-30 speedway to watch some racing!

Honey and Bryton gave the puppies haircuts

Cohen climbs onto everything!

Fun times at the park!

Date nights :)

I got to spend a day with Brook getting pedicures and manicures.

Turning 30 isn't that bad :)

Just in case you had any question about Cohen liking sweets :)

The cousins....minus Hunter, Camden and Amanda

Bryton and Honey spent some time in the kitchen making me birthday cupcakes. They were messy, but delicious! :)

Sweet boys!

We made a couple of trips to the Museum of Discovery in much fun!

Erin's sweet friends surprised Bryton with a pinata just for fun.

Erin was Bryton's favorite playmate

A fun night on the town

Best buddies!

Aunt Marilyn is one in a million!

Cohen loves being outside.