Saturday, August 25, 2012

Appointments and such

This week was full of appointments and getting things done before we head to the east coast for a week. Bryton and Cohen both went to the dentist for check-ups. Both of them got great reports and have shiny teeth to prove it. Bryton also had his 4 year old check-up. It was a few months late due to the way the clinic scheduled it. He weighed in at 40 lbs and 41.5 inches tall. He had to get 4 shots, but he was a trooper!  Add in 3 therapy sessions for Cohen and we were a busy bunch! The best part of our week was when Daddy arrived home late Thursday night. It is so good to have him home for the weekend! Today we got to go celebrate one of our favorite little neighbor's birthday. It was superhero themed and so much fun!

Showing off his super clean teeth :)

I rounded the corner to find C hanging out on the stool having a snack.  

Daddy is home and jumped right into train mode .

The superheros playing with slime :)

Making his way through the obstacle course!

Cohen refused to let Scott put him down the whole morning. He loves his Daddy!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

While Daddy's away...

we stay busy and PLAY!

We have picnics at the splash pad and park. 

We make cupcakes to take to celebrate the last day of Beach Adventure camp.

We made suncatchers out of pony beads.....who knew that melting plastic could smell so bad?!?

We got all red faced after playing hard at the park. 

We made cookies to take to our friend's house to have after dinner. 

We had pizza for dinner with our friends. 

We looked super cute in footie pajamas :)

We finished another session of swimming lessons and passed to the next level!

We played rice and noodles together. 

We transitioned Cohen from the high chair to a booster at the big table.

We went to the Napa Science play place and had a blast. 

Whew...makes me tired just thinking about all that we have done thus far. Another week to go and then we are off for a little vacation! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Another week gone by...

Everytime I turn around, another week has passed us by. We have had a fun summer and I can't believe that it is already the middle of August. Everyone is starting school around here, luckily we have a few more weeks before Bryton starts preschool again.  Last week was pretty laid back for us. Bryton did another week at summer camp, while I spent a lot of time preparing for a squadron "Minute to Win It" party that I hosted on Friday night. Cohen is doing great with speech and developing more sounds. Words are coming our way soon I bet :)

We went to the base pool one afternoon when Cohen decided he wasn't in need of a nap. The pool was a good afternoon treat! Cohen has no fear and will just walk off the side of the pool. Bryton is in swim lessons again and really starting to get the hang of it.

Bryton and I played letter games during nap time.

We went to our neighbor's little birthday party. The kids had a blast!

Daddy and Bryton had an afternoon of making robots out of Legos.

We let the boys stay up late Saturday evening so we could play outside. It has been SO hot, being out in the afternoon is just unbearable.

Cohen loves step stools and climbing up to the counter.

We moved the easel inside for foil painting.

The pirate felt board was a huge hit.
On Sunday after church, Bryton and I went on a little lunch date. He loves to have Bryton/Mommy time and we don't get to do it too often. He chose to go to Five Guys for lunch for a grilled cheese. After lunch we headed over to the little family park and rode the train. It was so fun just to sit and visit with him about anything and everything. After the train ride, we went grocery shopping. He helped find everything on our list and we even did self-checkout. He was thrilled :) I am so blessed to have such a sweet boy.

We wrapped up our weekend with having the neighbors over for dinner. These three kiddos always have a blast playing together.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A weekend away

On Friday we loaded up and headed to Lake Tahoe for the weekend. We were all excited about a little weekend getaway. Scott and I both laughed several times during the trip about how different a "getaway" weekend is when you have 2 crazy little boys with you. We had so much fun and can't wait to go back!  Cohen wasn't feeling his best most of the weekend, but he was a trooper.  I am so thankful for all the memories we are having the opportunity to make with the boys. We did some hiking, swimming, and playing in the sand at the beach. We also got to enjoy downtown Truckee with all the fun shops and little restaurants. Before heading home, we took the tram up the mountain at Squaw Valley and got to see an amazing view. It was definitely a great weekend for our little family!
Hanging out in the hotel room before bedtime.....actually way past bedtime :)

A little continental breakfast before we set out on our adventures

Hanging out at Lake Donner after a little hike.

Love this one!

Checking out Lake Tahoe. The water was freezing!

Cohen got to take a little ride as we packed up the car.

I'm the king of the world!

Just taking it all in!

On the tram ride up the mountain. Cohen wasn't sure what to think.

Last week in pictures

Last week was a pretty normal laid back week around our house. Bryton started a new session of summer camp. This time they are doing a Beach Adventure theme where they are learning all about sea life. He is really enjoying it.  We got all of Cohen's appointments taken care of while he was at camp, so that worked out great. 

We spent the morning at the park. Luckily we got a lot of playtime in before it got too hot.

We made a dinosaur craft and Bryton named him Seahorse :)

We tried out a new recipe of Flubber. It didn't work out as well, but Bryton didn't care.

Cohen loves playing with play dough.

Cohen has really started wanting to draw and color like Bryton. This is the perfect toy for him so I don't have to worry about crayon on the walls!

Just hanging out in his helmet and attempting to blow bubbles. He finally got the hang of it after a few licks of the bubble solution.