Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Afternoon craziness

Scott has been gone so much over the last few months that filling our afternoons is a must. We are always busy, but when he is away I try to keep us really entertained :) From arts and crafts to special game time to random pajama days...the boys and I have a blast!
Cohen wanted in on the cloud dough fun. Notice that his carrot sticks are taking a ride in the dump truck. He cracks me up!

Bryton loves when his High Five Magazine comes in the mail. Usually there is a game in the back to play. This month we played a money game learning about the value of coins.

Sometimes Cohen provides randome entertainment. Bryton was in the bath tub when Cohen randomly climbed in and wanted to play too....fully clothed! Always keeping it interesting!

Cohen being Cohen...taking a peek out back!

I said smile and Cohen bops his brother on the head :)

Has anyone seen Cohen?!?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Four and a HALF

Our crazy Bryton boy had his half birthday on the 6th. He helped me make his "half" cake and really cheesed it up when I was taking his picture. There isn't a day that this little guy doesn't absolutely crack me up. His little sense of humor is just a hoot. The things he comes up blow my mind most days. He is such a sweet big brother (90% of the time). Bryton is growing like a weed right now and eating all day everyday. He still doesn't eat meat, but it slowly trying new things......slowly. I can't believe how fast he is growing before my eyes.....time is welcome to slow down at any time now! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Soccer and Park time

When the boys go to the park with their daddy they get to do things like jump off huge rocks...

Scott is like a huge kid at the playground. He does all the slides and climbs all the  ladders :)
Cohen loves to dig with the diggers.

Bryton started another session of soccer and he is having a lot of fun.

Apple Picking

Nothing says fall like going apple picking! We took advantage of Scott being home for a weekend and headed up to Apple Hill, even though it was 100 degrees. It was SO much fun! Bryton had just done a study on apples at school and was so excited. Cohen thought all the apples that had fallen were balls to play with. We got to eat a bunch of yummy apple treats and got a ton of apples! It was so much fun and I really hope we get to go back soon. 

Craft time!

Bryton came in and had me close my eyes the other night saying he had a big surprise for me. On the count of three I got to open them to find this. He had written his first and last name all by himself. He was SO proud! It was so cute and I was  so proud of him. Look at that smile!

A few days ago we had made a few monster people out of toilet paper rolls. Bryton felt like they needed a home, so that is what we created. There were feathers and balloons, streamers and confetti...it was a monster party :)

We did some foil painting using our new paint roller.  He drew pictures in the paint with q-tips.  Don't you love how puppy is watching him paint! 

Bryton and I made cat and pumpkin Halloween puppets together. Puppy was watching us work again :) 

Cohen LOVES to color with markers!
We have been working on fine motor skills with Cohen. Lacing beads are one of his favorite things to do right now.