Saturday, January 26, 2013

January part 2

Scott and Bryton went to Monster Jam last week.  This was one of those things on Scott's list that he couldn't wait to take his boys to....I hope it lived up to all of his expectations :) 
Cohen is all about doing some crafting like his brother, except he is a lot messier! 
Cohen was doing speech the other day when she was reading a story to him. He wouldn't let her continue until he has fixed all of these animals and covered them up with his blanket. It was a 10 minute ordeal to get them exactly like he wanted them! 
Crazy hair day at school! 
It was pajama day at school and Bryton wanted to take a picture with Cohen before we left. This is Cohen's new smile, squinted eyes everytime :) 
Caught in the pantry....this boy is trouble!