Monday, June 29, 2015

See you later

A "see you later" dinner for a special friend
I am not a fan of saying "see you later" to my friends. I am a crier, especially when it involves saying goodbye. In May, it was time to say see you later to my friend Becki as her and her sweet family headed on their way to Iowa. She isn't a military friend, so it was funny that she was the one moving away. Becki has been the friend that would do anything for me and my family since the day we met. The humor that Becki adds to life is like no other!  While Scott was deployed, they fed the boys and no less than once a week. Her kiddos were best buddies with Cohen and park playdates were a weekly must on his agenda. To say we miss having them around is an understatement. Iowa gained a spectacular family and we wish them the very best!