Friday, July 11, 2014

Bryton turns 6

Birthdays just keep sneaking up on us! I can't believe that Bryton is six....seriously?! I feel like six is so much older than five. I am not sure why, maybe because he needs two hands to show his age now.
We had a few days of celebrating Bryton's birthday this year. We took cupcakes for his class the day before his birthday, since it fell on a weekend this year. They sang to him and he got to stand in front of the class on a chair. He had been waiting all year to do that!
Bryton wanted to invite his whole class to his party, he couldn't narrow down an invitation list. He wanted us to host a party at home, but I just wasn't up for having 25 five and six year olds running around. We decided to have a party at the local gymnastics center. It was perfect! They had so much fun and were exhausted when it was over. Best plan ever!
On Bryton's actual birthday, we took part in service Sunday with our church by feeding the homeless. It was a great day serving others together.
It was a fun few days celebrating our sweet boy!
I am so excited to see what the next year holds for him.