Saturday, July 12, 2014

Easter festivities

Last year, we spent Easter Sunday in the hospital with Bryton in surgery having pins put in his arm. This year was so much better! It was a day spent with a great church service and lunch with friends. There were a few activities that led up to the fun day.
 Squadron Easter Egg Hunt

 Class Easter celebrations

School Easter festivities

 We dyed Easter Eggs the night day before Easter Sunday.
 Bryton showing off his new shades from his Easter basket :)
 Easter morning snuggles with Daddy
One of the fun things we did this year was make an Easter Resurrection Garden. We watched the grass grow and then Easter morning the front of the tomb was open and empty. The boys really enjoyed it and I am sure it will be a new tradition to do it every year.
Headed to Easter Sunday service!
After our church service we had some friends over for Easter lunch. It was a great way to spend such a special day!